Julia Roberts, celebrated actress of the iconic 1990 romantic comedy Pretty Woman, recently shared intriguing insights during her appearance on the Graham Norton Show. The 56-year-old actress revealed that she initially envisioned a much darker turn for the hit film, expressing her disappointment when the original version was abandoned.
In the scrapped script, titled “$3,000,” Roberts’ character Vivian Ward took on a starkly different persona as a drug addict. The story concluded with Richard Gere’s character, Edward Lewis, leaving Vivian in a side street, throwing money at her, and driving away. This departure from the lighthearted tone of the eventual rom-com showcased a grittier narrative that Roberts had initially envisioned.
Reflecting on her initial involvement, Roberts expressed being “really proud” of the unique and challenging role. However, her enthusiasm turned to disappointment when the production company folded, leading to the disappearance of the film. The actress admitted feeling “crushed” by this setback.
The unforeseen twist in the tale came when Disney picked up the project, a move that seemed unlikely given the initially darker theme. The transformation of the narrative into a funny and heartwarming romantic comedy marked a significant shift that ultimately resonated with audiences worldwide.
The 1990 romantic comedy, directed by Garry Marshall, became a colossal success, grossing $463.5 million at the box office. It proved to be a breakthrough for Julia Roberts, earning her an Oscar nomination and a Golden Globe nomination. The film’s enduring popularity is attributed not only to its financial success but also to the unexpected and heartwarming love story that captivated audiences.
Julia Roberts’ revelation about the darker original plot of Pretty Woman adds a fascinating layer to the film’s history. The actress’s journey from disappointment to the unexpected success of the rom-com serves as a testament to the unpredictable nature of the entertainment industry and the enduring appeal of a well-crafted love story.