Pavel Durov, the CEO of Telegram, has been charged in France for allegedly enabling illegal transactions, as well as declining to cooperate with authorities and complicity in the criminal distribution of child sexual abuse material (CSAM).
Durov was detained in Paris last Saturday following an investigation into criminal activity on the Telegram platform.
French prosecutors will release Durov on a €5 million bail, but he is barred from leaving the country under judicial supervision. The arrest warrant was issued by France’s OFMIN agency, quoting Telegram’s “lack of moderation and cooperation” in dealing with prohibited content on the platform.
Telegram, while serving as a critical information source in countries with restricted media, has also faced criticism for being a haven for illegal activities. Durov and his platform are known for their laissez-faire policy on content moderation, only taking action when compelled by external forces.
In a statement on Sunday, Telegram defended Durov, stating he has “nothing to hide” and calling the allegations against him “absurd.” The company further claimed that holding the platform responsible for users’ misuse is unreasonable.
The case emphasizes the challenges of regulating online platforms and the balance between freedom of speech and stopping illicit activity.