Robert Pattinson, acclaimed for his roles in The Batman and Twilight, once shared an amusing and rather daring story from his teenage years, which led to him being expelled from school. In a candid 2017 interview on The Howard Stern Show, the actor opened up about his entrepreneurial yet risky escapades involving stolen adult magazines.
Pattinson revealed that as a student, he used to frequent a local supermarket and slip a couple of adult magazines into his bag. Wearing his school uniform during these escapades, he admitted it was a risky move, but his confidence grew over time. “At the end, I got so cocky that I would take the entire rack,” he admitted.
The mischief came to an end when the store owner caught Pattinson red-handed. “This guy is pulling out all these p*** magazines,” the actor recalled, noting that these magazines often included VHS tapes. He described the scene as humiliating, especially with elderly shoppers glaring at him in disgust.
When confronted, the store owner gave Pattinson an ultimatum: should the news be shared with his parents or his school? Laughing about the incident years later, Pattinson recounted pleading for the owner to contact his parents instead. However, the incident eventually reached his school, resulting in his expulsion.
Now a Hollywood icon engaged to singer Suki Waterhouse and preparing for his upcoming role in Mickey 17, Pattinson’s story offers a humorous look at his rebellious youth. Despite the misstep, he’s come a long way from his teenage antics to becoming one of Hollywood’s most versatile actors.