Ben Affleck reportedly found himself in a tense situation with local police outside his Brentwood, California home on Tuesday, January 14. The 52-year-old actor was seen in a series of photos appearing visibly agitated as he engaged in a heated conversation with two officers in a police cruiser, while sitting in his BMW.
Witnesses observed Affleck leaning out of his car’s window, with his arm extended as he pointed toward the exit, suggesting frustration. Although the exact details of their conversation remain unclear, sources familiar with the situation indicated that the police were present due to neighboring private security personnel who had been blocking residents from entering their homes.
According to an insider, Affleck was discussing the issue with the officers but was eventually allowed to return to his property without further incident. The altercation comes on the heels of an FBI visit to the actor’s home earlier that week. The FBI had been investigating unauthorized drone activity in the area surrounding the Palisades Fire, particularly in relation to a drone that reportedly damaged a firefighting aircraft.
Affleck, who was not directly involved in the drone incident, was believed to be assisting authorities by providing potential footage from his home’s security system, as agents sought to gather evidence in the ongoing investigation.