Jenna Ortega, the breakout star from Wednesday and Scream, continues to shine both on-screen and on the fashion scene, proving once again why she’s a rising style icon. The 22-year-old actress recently turned heads at Paris Fashion Week, where she attended the highly anticipated Dior runway show, looking effortlessly chic in a stunning black blazer mini dress.
Ortega’s sophisticated outfit featured a sharp blazer design paired with shorts underneath tights, offering a perfect balance of elegance and edginess. She completed her look with bold red lipstick and sleek dark cat-eye sunglasses, adding a dramatic flair to her already eye-catching appearance.
The star of Miller’s Girl was spotted enjoying the show from the front row, where she seemed to be in great spirits, sharing lighthearted moments with fellow celebrities, including Deva Cassel, daughter of acclaimed actors Vincent Cassel and Monica Bellucci. Ortega’s poise and confidence further cemented her reputation as one of the most fashionable young stars in Hollywood today.
Jenna’s appearance at the show is just the latest in a series of high-profile moments for the actress. Wednesday fans also got a sneak peek into Season 2 when Netflix released a behind-the-scenes teaser in early September, showing Ortega reprising her role as the delightfully dark Wednesday Addams.
With her unique sense of style and undeniable talent, Jenna Ortega is quickly becoming a force to be reckoned with both in the entertainment world and on the fashion circuit.