Following her recent split from Ben Affleck, Jennifer Lopez is reportedly making strategic moves to rebuild her image in Hollywood. The On The Floor singer, who has long aspired to win an Academy Award, is determined to achieve her lifelong dream.
To align herself with Hollywood’s elite, J.Lo is reportedly reaching out to top producers, including Brad Pitt. While the two have never worked together, an insider shared that Lopez became acquainted with the Bullet Train star during her two-year marriage to Affleck.
Jennifer Lopez’s Oscar Ambitions: Partnering with Hollywood’s Best
“It’s essential to have the right material to compete for an award-worthy script, and Brad’s track record with his company puts him at the top of her list,” the insider revealed. Lopez, 55, is reportedly determined to invest as much money as necessary in a project that will bring her closer to her Oscar goal.
“She’s always felt a bit like an outsider and is convinced that winning an Oscar would solidify her respect in the industry,” the source continued.
Lopez Targets A-List Projects, Including George Clooney’s Ocean’s Franchise
Another key name in Lopez’s Hollywood plans is George Clooney. Sources say that as Clooney and Brad Pitt consider relaunching the Ocean’s franchise, Lopez has set her sights on being part of the project, according to Lawyer Monthly. As the Unstoppable actress works to secure A-list acceptance, these high-profile collaborations could be key to achieving her career goals.