Joe Alwyn, the British actor renowned for his roles in films like The Favourite, recently shared a humorous yet cringe-worthy childhood story while appearing on The Drew Barrymore Show. Reflecting on his younger days, he opened up about a prank gone wrong that left him facing a police interrogation.
When Alwyn was around eight years old, he thought it would be a clever idea to prank the neighbors. He wrote some letters with a threatening tone, but added an element of theatricality by dipping them in fake blood he purchased from a toy store. Little did he know, his prank would quickly escalate into a much larger situation.
“Police cars turned up on the road ‘cause they’ve got a killer to catch,” Alwyn recalled. His heart sank as he feared the worst, thinking he was about to be arrested. He described the chaos that ensued as three policemen entered his house, forcing him and his brother to confess to their prank. “I thought I was going to jail,” Alwyn said.
In a moment of sibling solidarity, Alwyn’s older brother, who is 18 months his senior, took the brunt of the blame. “Because he’s older, he got the worst of it,” Alwyn said with a chuckle, adding that he couldn’t quite remember what the policeman had yelled at him, but the experience definitely made an impact.
While Alwyn’s mischievous childhood moment was certainly memorable, he also reflected on how, despite achieving fame later in life, he managed to stay grounded. Known for his high-profile relationship with pop sensation Taylor Swift from 2016 to 2023, Alwyn emphasized that it would have been easy to get lost in the chaos of fame. However, he kept his focus on his career and managed to maintain a level-headed approach despite the public attention.