Kit Harington, known for his role in the iconic series “Game of Thrones,” is returning to the small screen in a new BBC series based on the works of renowned author Arthur Conan Doyle. This project, led by Mark Gatiss, who also had a role in the global hit show “Game of Thrones,” is an adaptation of Doyle’s short story “Lot No. 249.”
Mark Gatiss, the creator of “Sherlock,” expressed his excitement about bringing another classic British writer’s work to life. He described it as a “serious delight” to delve into the brilliant works of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle for this Christmas ghost story. Gatiss praised “Lot No. 249” as a personal favorite and a pioneer in the end-of-Empire chiller genre, filled with thrilling storytelling, ghastly scares, and enigmatic Victorian elements.
Produced by Adorable Media for BBC Arts, this new series is set to premiere on BBC Two, offering a fresh perspective on the works of Arthur Conan Doyle. Kit Harington’s involvement in the project adds even more anticipation for this upcoming series.
While fans eagerly await this new venture, Kit Harington has already been making waves in his career. He previously starred in the Apple TV+ series “Extrapolations” and is poised to demonstrate his acting prowess in the upcoming film “Blood for Dust.” With this latest project, Harington continues to captivate audiences with his talent and versatility in the world of entertainment.