In an unexpected turn of events, actor and director Justin Baldoni has filed a lawsuit against his It Ends with Us co-stars Blake Lively and her husband, Ryan Reynolds, demanding a significant £320 million in damages. The legal battle, which has sent shockwaves through Hollywood, centers on Baldoni’s claims that Lively wronged him during the production of their film.
The dispute began when Lively filed a lawsuit against Baldoni in December 2024, accusing him of sexual harassment and creating a campaign to ruin her reputation. However, Baldoni has now launched a legal counterattack, naming not only Lively but also Reynolds, their publicist Leslie Sloane, and the PR firm Vision PR. This bold move signifies that Baldoni is ready to take the legal fight to the next level.
On January 16, 2025, Baldoni’s legal team filed the lawsuit in the Southern District of New York, accusing Lively and her team of a “duplicitous attempt” to damage Baldoni, his team, and their businesses by spreading false, doctored, and misleading information to the media. The lawsuit includes evidence such as text messages, emails, video footage, and other documentation shared between the parties during the course of the dispute.
Baldoni’s lawyer emphasized the strength of their case, stating, “This lawsuit is based on an overwhelming amount of untampered evidence. It is clear that Lively and her team tried to manipulate the media and destroy Justin’s reputation and career.” The lawyer further claimed that Lively had either been misled by her team or had intentionally misrepresented the truth in order to bolster her own image.
The legal team also accused Lively and her team of exploiting real victims of harassment to serve their own personal gain, highlighting how the media manipulation occurred before any formal legal actions were taken. “Lively’s actions were driven by dangerous selfishness, attempting to bulldoze reputations and livelihoods in order to protect her own. We know the truth, and now the public does too,” the lawyer asserted.
As the lawsuit continues to unfold, Baldoni and his legal team remain confident that their evidence will ultimately prevail, leaving Lively and her team to face the consequences of their actions.