In a momentous turn of events on the Netflix series “Virgin River,” Lauren Hammersley’s character, Charmaine, has finally given birth to twins, putting an end to the long-running gag surrounding her extended pregnancy. Fans of the show had been eagerly anticipating this joyful moment for five seasons, and the creators decided to add a humorous twist to the storyline.
Charmaine’s prolonged pregnancy had become a subject of amusement among fans, and this was cleverly addressed in the recent holiday episodes. Charmaine, portrayed by Lauren Hammersley, jokingly remarked to characters Mel (Alexandra Breckenridge) and Jack (Martin Henderson), “I feel like I’ve been pregnant for years.” The show’s creative team embraced the audience’s awareness of the series’ deliberately slow timeline.
During a Critics Choice Association press conference attended by Christina Radish of Collider, showrunner Patrick Sean Smith explained, “As we were shooting season 5 and season 4 came out, people started to catch up on the very slow timeline of the series.” The realization became apparent through pregnant characters and the growth of children on the show.
While planning the pivotal moment of Charmaine welcoming her twins, the creative team deliberated on where to place it within the season. Initially considering part 1, Smith confessed it felt too soon, prompting them to select a different timing. Ultimately, they decided to unveil the moment in the holiday episodes, viewing it as a delightful gift for fans.
Lauren Hammersley, renowned for her humor, shared her excitement on Instagram, playfully stating, “In two days, I’m going to give birth to two 5-year-olds.” The post reflected the cast and crew’s lighthearted approach to Charmaine’s extended pregnancy.
The official Instagram account of “Virgin River” shared a behind-the-scenes photo of Charmaine’s delivery, teasing, “Charmaine’s babies are finally making a grand entrance in 4 days. Itâs the most festive delivery of the season! đ«đâ The image featured Hammersley posing with a hospital bed and a yoga ball, alongside Breckenridge in character.
Fans expressed their eagerness for the long-awaited moment in the comments section, with some playfully remarking on the perceived speed of Charmaine’s pregnancy. Others shared in the joy of the festive delivery, creating a lively interaction among the fan community.
Reflecting on the experience, Smith praised Hammersley’s commitment to wearing a fake belly throughout the extended pregnancy storyline. He commended the cast, including Tim Matheson and Alexandra Breckenridge, for having fun while shooting the delivery scene. Smith expressed satisfaction that Charmaine’s character could finally experience the anticipated moment of welcoming her twins.
For devoted fans of “Virgin River,” Charmaine’s twins bring a celebratory touch to the ongoing storyline, providing a heartwarming resolution to the extended pregnancy plotline. All five seasons of “Virgin River” are available for streaming on Netflix.