Daniel Radcliffe, known for his iconic portrayal of Harry Potter, is set to take on a new role as both the star and executive producer of an upcoming documentary that revolves around his former Harry Potter stunt double, David Holmes. The documentary, titled “David Holmes: The Boy Who Lived,” delves into the life of Holmes, who tragically became paralyzed following an accident on the set of the Harry Potter films.
Holmes and Radcliffe developed a close friendship during their extensive collaboration on the Harry Potter series, where Holmes served as Radcliffe’s stunt double for over nine years.
The life-altering incident occurred during a pre-planned explosion on the set of “Deathly Hallows: Part 1.” This explosion sent Holmes hurtling to the ground, resulting in injuries to his spine that left him paralyzed from the waist down.
The documentary, a collaborative effort between Sky and HBO Documentary Films, offers an intimate exploration of Holmes’ background in gymnastics and how he secured the coveted role in the beloved Harry Potter franchise. Additionally, it sheds light on the enduring friendship between Holmes and Radcliffe, revealing the deep bond formed on set.
Through interviews with Radcliffe, Holmes’ family, friends, and former Harry Potter crew members, the HBO-produced documentary provides a comprehensive view of Holmes’ life. It showcases his remarkable stunt work, the challenges he has faced since his paralysis, and the indomitable spirit that has seen him through.
Directed by Dan Hartley, “David Holmes: The Boy Who Lived” is scheduled to be available on demand starting November 18. Viewers can catch this heartfelt and inspiring documentary on Sky Documentaries and the streaming service NOW. It promises a poignant journey through the life of a dedicated stunt performer and his enduring connection to the enchanting world of Harry Potter.