The entertainment world is reeling from the heartbreaking loss of Dalyce Curry, a celebrated actress whose iconic performances in The Ten Commandments and Lady Sings the Blues cemented her place in Hollywood history. At 95, Curry’s life was tragically cut short when the devastating Eaton Fire in Altadena claimed both her life and her home.
On Sunday, January 12, 2025, the Los Angeles County Coroner’s Office confirmed that Curry’s remains were discovered at the site of her destroyed property. This announcement marked a somber end to the life of a cherished star whose contributions to film and television spanned decades.
Curry’s granddaughter, Kelley, recounted the events leading up to the tragedy. After accompanying Dalyce to medical appointments, Kelley dropped her off at her home late Tuesday night. The following morning, Kelley received a distressing message from her grandmother, mentioning a power outage at the house.
Acting quickly, Kelley rushed to Dalyce’s residence but was met with devastating news. Upon arrival, a police officer informed her: “I’m sorry, your grandmother’s property is gone. It totally burned down.” The scene was one of total destruction, with only Curry’s cherished blue Cadillac surviving the blaze.
The Eaton Fire, fueled by strong Santa Ana winds, has wreaked havoc across Los Angeles County, destroying homes and displacing countless residents. Dalyce Curry’s untimely passing has highlighted the human toll of this catastrophic event, leaving family, friends, and fans in mourning.
Curry’s remarkable career and lasting impact on Hollywood will not be forgotten. As tributes pour in, her legacy as a trailblazing actress and beloved icon will live on, reminding the world of the grace and talent she brought to the silver screen.