Kate Cassidy, the girlfriend of late singer Liam Payne, has reportedly vacated the London apartment that she once shared with the former One Direction star. Photographs of the 25-year-old model moving her belongings out of the apartment have surfaced, with the property believed to be owned by Liam Payne.
This move comes after Kate stayed in the flat to attend the funeral of her late boyfriend, who tragically passed away on October 16. Cassidy is now returning to the United States to spend Christmas with her family.
The couple, who had been in a relationship for two years, had also rented a home together in Miami, Florida. Before his death, Kate had accompanied Liam to Argentina, where the two had attended a concert by Niall Horan. However, she flew back to the U.S. while Liam stayed behind to address a visa issue.
Liam’s death shocked fans worldwide when he fell from a third-floor balcony of his hotel in Buenos Aires. A toxicology report revealed on December 3 that the former One Direction singer had ingested “pink cocaine” shortly before his fatal fall. The investigation is ongoing as authorities continue to explore the circumstances surrounding his passing.