After concluding six successful seasons of the acclaimed Netflix series “The Crown,” creator Peter Morgan has spoken out about the swirling rumors regarding a potential sequel. At the premiere of the series finale, the Emmy-winning director shared his thoughts on the red carpet with Entertainment Tonight.
Expressing his current contentment with taking a hiatus from delving into the fictional lives of royals, Morgan stated, “I’m happy to spend some time away from the fictitious lives of royals for a while. I will not be writing anything set in a palace anywhere.”
While acknowledging the possibility of missing the process of narrating the history of British monarchs in the future, he emphasized that, for now, there are no immediate plans for a sequel. Morgan admitted, “Maybe later on, at some point in my life, I’ll miss it enough, you know, to pick up the pen again. But really, at the moment, there’s no plan… You never rule anything out, but in the short term — absolutely not.”
In reflecting on the responsibility he felt in portraying historical events, Morgan discussed the challenge of deciding when to conclude the series. He highlighted the complexity added by the passing of Queen Elizabeth II in September 2022, stating, “That was tricky and that took a lot of thinking and a lot of work, but I hope we’ve done it.”
As fans bid farewell to “The Crown,” Peter Morgan’s insights provide a glimpse into the considerations behind the series finale and the possibility of revisiting the world of royals in the future.